
5 Female Hormone Balance Vitamins to Fight Infertility & Stress

Here's a selection of best vitamins to balance female hormones, as proven by research.

When your body’s running low on the vitamins it needs, it could lead to a hormone imbalance.


And if you’ve ever experienced it, you’ll know hormone imbalances come with a ton of unpleasant symptoms. Some of the common signs of a hormone imbalance include fatigue, depression, hormonal acne, weight gain, fertility challenges, and low libido. Yep, all the fun stuff.


My hormone levels were a mess for years: mood swings, an irregular menstrual cycle, and hormonal acne flare-ups were normal.  Back then, I didn't even realise the root cause of my problems was my polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Doctors and dermatologists prescribed birth control routinely. And I had zero idea I could fix my hormone health through diet, exercise, and other natural remedies. 


Good news is the right vitamins provide natural relief from a hormone imbalance. Below, we’ll walk through some of the best hormone balance vitamins, backed by science and approved by experts. 


The 5 best vitamins to balance female hormones naturally


Experts have specific recommendations for hormone balancing vitamins: these vitamins have been widely studied for their ability to balance female hormones.


Before we jump into the list, here’s a disclaimer: I’ve used these vitamins to balance my hormones, and I’ve had success. But I don’t think they’re a quick fix for hormone balance. 


Eating a diet that’s rich in vitamins and getting enough sleep go a long way to supporting hormone health. Of course, leading a super healthy lifestyle isn’t always possible, all the time. 


I frequently have periods where I stuff my face with food my body doesn’t like and practice incredibly poor sleep habits (yes, I’m scrolling while laying in bed). The effects are obvious and almost immediate. For me, a good way to think about these vitamins is that they plug any gaps. In an ideal world, they'd complement a healthy diet, sleep habits, and exercise. 


As always, before you take any vitamins or supplements, reach out to a professional. I’m all for taking control of your health and my experience has shown that just because someone is a doctor or dermatologist, it doesn’t mean they’re automatically giving me the best advice for my unique situation. Find someone who specialises in hormone health and who bases their recommendations on blood tests. 


1. Vitamin C


One of the most popular hormone balance vitamins, vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables, including oranges, bell peppers, and kale. Not only does it boost the immune system, but helps with lowering inflammation.


Not having enough vitamin C can mess with our hormone levels, which can cause problems with fertility and stress management.


When we're lacking vitamin C, it can disrupt our hormones, according to research. Specifically, a vitamin C deficiency can affect the secretion of a hormone called insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). This hormone is important for growth, tissue repair, and muscle development. 


A team of researchers from the United States of America performed a study to check the impact of vitamin C on ovulation and reproductive health. They found vitamin C was linked with higher levels of progesterone. Low levels of progesterone can cause irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and fertility problems. 


In addition, an animal study suggested a link between vitamin C and cortisol. The study showed vitamin C and vitamin E lowered cortisol levels, the stress hormone.


As Dr. Jolene Brighten,  hormone expert and nutrition scientist, notes in this blog post about vitamin C health benefits:


“Vitamin C is required for making catecholamines, otherwise known as stress hormones. In fact, your adrenal glands are one of the organs with the highest concentrations of vitamin C and leverage this vitamin to do their job.

“In times of stress, your adrenal glands increase production of catecholamines. Because of this, they are using more vitamin C, which is why some people benefit from increased intake during times of chronic stress.” 

2. Vitamin E


Getting enough vitamin E plays a huge role in hormone balance and reproductive health.


As Aumatma Shah, ND, a naturopathic doctor and nutritionist, tells The Bump:


"Vitamin E is an essential nutrient for ovaries and also acts as an anti-aging antioxidant. For women who are trying to conceive later in life, they may benefit from supplementing with Vitamin E so that they can support egg quality, which is core to being able to conceive and carry to term.”


One research review, published in the 2021 Nutrients journal, found that combining vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 led to higher levels of a protein called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in the blood. SHBG reduced the levels of free testosterone in the bloodstream. 


Vitamin E is also thought to help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which can contribute to hormone imbalances. Research cited in the review suggested that  vitamin E has been found to enhance the effectiveness of other medications used to treat PCOS, such as metformin.


3. Vitamin A


Having low levels of vitamin A can affect our thyroid hormones.


A review published in the 2022 Frontiers in Endocrinology found when there is a deficiency of vitamin A, it can harm the thyroid gland. This is especially true when a vitamin A deficiency is also accompanied by a lack of iodine in the diet.

Generally, vitamin A, also helps with vision, immune system function, brain function, and metabolism.

4. Vitamin D

While Vitamin D is a great supplement for hormone balancing, getting enough Vitamin D is important for overall health. Low levels of Vitamin D are associated with a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

According to Frontiers in Endocrinology, Vitamin D can regulate female fertility. Specifically, data suggests Vitamin D can improve excess androgens.

In the 8 Steps to Reverse PCOS, Fiona McCulloch, a naturopath who reversed her PCOS, writes that Vitamin D is an important female hormone balance supplement.

“In a study…women undergoing IVF, the patients that were deficient in Vitamin D had lower pregnancy rates.”

Aligning with other research findings, she writes that vitamin D deficiencies also influence testosterone levels. And for women with PCOS, a Vitamin D deficiency was also linked to insulin resistance.

My experience with Vitamin D is this: I consulted with my integrative doctor and had my Vitamin D levels checked. Unsurprisingly, my levels were low, and I started taking a Vitamin D supplement. I do much better on it but don’t always take it consistently.


5. B-complex vitamins

B-complex vitamins reduce stress and regulate female hormones. Our body needs eight B vitamins, and each of these produces a different health benefit.


McCulloch writes that injecting stress hormones into people decreased their Vitamin B12. Vitamin B6, a key female hormone supplement, improves PMS and balances progesterone levels.


Frequently asked questions about hormonal balance vitamins


Below, we answer some of the most common questions about hormone balancing vitamins.

What is the best vitamin to regulate hormones?


While there is no single "best" vitamin to regulate hormones, certain vitamins have been shown to support hormone health.


Vitamin D is one of the most popular hormone balance vitamins, and research shows it can reduce testosterone levels in women. In addition, B-complex vitamins are linked with stress reduction.


Like B-Complex vitamins, vitamin C is also thought to regulate cortisol levels. Vitamin A is crucial for healthy thyroid function, while research shows vitamin E controls oxidative stress and inflammation, both of  which can throw out hormone balance.


How to balance female hormones with vitamins?


Taking a vitamin is a great way to ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs. 


Additionally, you should consider adding other female hormone balance supplements, like magnesium to your diet.


Diet also plays a role in balancing hormones naturally. For example, research shows that consuming too much alcohol may interfere with estrogen metabolism. In addition, sleep is important for hormone balance. Getting too little sleep is associated with an increase in hunger hormones, which can lead to weight gain. 


Finally, exercising regularly can help your body maintain a healthy hormone balance. For instance, there’s an established link between yoga and hormone balance.


What’s the difference between a vitamin and a supplement?


Vitamins are found naturally in food, while supplements are natural or synthetic substances. Both can fill in any nutritional gaps you might have.


Add these vitamins to your hormone balance protocol


Rebalancing hormones isn't always a straightforward process. In this post, we've covered vitamins to help female hormones, and there's a ton of science to back them up. But the most effective way to support hormone balance is to lead a healthy lifestyle. This means getting enough sleep and eating the right foods.


Above all, listen to your body and work with a professional you trust to identify the root cause of your symptoms. If you're dealing with a couple of hormone balance symptoms, you'll want to consult with a practitioner to find the best remedy for you.  Making the connection between my health issues and my PCOS was life-changing. From then on, I started conducting my own research and having more productive conversations with my doctor.

 Featured image credit: Photo by Kateryna Hliznitsova on Unsplash