

About me

Welcome to Treatment in Progress.

My name is Bronwynne. I was diagnosed with PCOS in my early 20s.

But it would take a decade for me to truly begin to understand PCOS and its effects on my body.

It’s been a long, frustrating journey.

Back then, I didn’t know how to deal with the constant breakouts, unwanted body hair, and irregular periods. 

For years, I wasted money and time on pills and products. Nothing seemed to work; my self-confidence crumbled.

Here's the thing: I had zero idea PCOS was the root cause.

Finally, after seeking medical advice, doing research, and making lifestyle changes, I’ve managed to ease my worst PCOS symptoms. 

This blog is a part of my healing process – a space where I can document lessons, stories, and tips.

a woman holding a child

What I believe

I believe we should have the resources to take control of our PCOS. With this blog, I aim to share information you can use to learn more about PCOS.

Still, managing your PCOS is a personal journey.

You might relate to some parts of my experience, but not to others.

The reality is that the internet is a wellspring of information and support for PCOS. But it's unlikely that one blog or personal story can give you all the answers you need. And that's OK.

Hopefully, you find helpful resources here that can play a small role in your overcoming your PCOS.

Remember to discuss treatments with a medical professional before implementing major changes.

Most of all, be kind to yourself during the process.


I’m always looking for PCOS stories, let’s get in touch!

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